- Is there life on other worlds? 在其他星球上有生命吗?
- It's possible that there is life on other worlds. 可能在别的天体上存在著生命。
- It is possible that there is life on other worlds. 可能在别的天体上存在着生命。
- Is there intelligent life on other planets? 其他行星上也存在着有智慧的生物吗?
- Is there life on other planets? 在其他行星上有生命吗?
- It is unlikely that the hypothesis of life on other worlds will be verified in the near future. 在另一个星球存在生命这些前提,不太可能在不久的将来就被考证出来。
- Life on other planets is a possibility. 其他行星上有生命是可能的。
- Is there life on Mars? 火星上有生物吗?
- the possibility of life on other worlds. 其它星球上可能存在的生命
- Is there life beyond the grave(= life after death)? 人死后有来生吗?
- Is there life beyond the grave, ie after death? 死後还有生命吗?
- He is just a scrounger,who lives on other people. 他正是一个小偷,专靠损害别人过日子。
- He is just a scrounger, who lives on other people. 他正是一个小偷,专靠损害别人过日子。
- And so,to the question: Is there life beyond the earth? 所以,地球之外有生命存在吗?
- We haven't found life on other planets yet. 我们还没在别的星球上发现生命。
- And so, to the question: Is there life beyond the earth? 所以,地球之外有生命存在吗?
- Some people assume that there is life on other planets when they see UFOs. 看见不明飞行物时; 有些人就设想在其他行星上有生命.
- Some people assume that there is life on other planets when they see UFOs. . 看见不明飞行物时; 有些人就设想在其 他行星上有生命.
- It's possible that there are lives on other planets. 其他行星上有生物存在的可能性。
- We cannot presume the existence of life on other planets. 我们不能推定其他行星上没有生物。